Independence Day 2024 Speech in English

Honorable Principal, Teachers, and Dear Friends,

Warm greetings and Happy 78th Independence Day to all of you. Today, as we celebrate the 78th anniversary of our freedom, we take a moment to reflect on our nation’s journey. On August 15, 1947, India saw a new dawn as we freed ourselves from 200 years of British rule. This day marks not just the anniversary of our independence, but also upholds the spirit of freedom and democracy, inspiring every Indian with patriotism and unity.

Independence Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm across all religions and communities in India. It is a day to honor the brave souls who sacrificed their lives to make our nation free. During this week, various institutions hold speeches, and schools, colleges, and offices organize events with patriotic songs and speeches.

Today, we are reminded of our unity as a nation. Despite our diverse identities based on caste, religion, language, and region, our common identity as Indian citizens stands above all. This shared identity unites us in our love for our country. We all have equal rights and responsibilities as citizens.

While Independence Day is celebrated nationwide, the grandest ceremony takes place at the Red Fort in Delhi. On this day, the national flag proudly flies, and the Prime Minister hoists it, accompanied by a 21-gun salute. The National Anthem is sung, and the Prime Minister addresses the nation from the Red Fort.

This day also serves as a moment of gratitude towards our known and unknown freedom fighters. Their sacrifices restored India’s pride and place in the global community. The freedom we enjoy today is a result of their struggles and sacrifices.

Friends, Independence Day is an opportunity to reconnect with our history, evaluate our present, and plan for the future. Over the past 77 years, we have achieved significant progress in fields such as education, science, economy, sports, military strength, and international relations. India has become a leading nation on the global stage, evident from our achievements in nuclear power, Chandrayaan-3, COVID-19 vaccines, and digital revolution.

However, there is still much to achieve. We aim to become a developed nation by 2047, marking the 100th anniversary of our independence. We need to contribute to this goal and resolve to build, develop, and defend our nation.

I would like to conclude my speech with a quote from Allama Iqbal:

“Greece, Egypt, and Rome are all gone from where they were, But our name and identity still remain. There is something in us that never fades away, For centuries, our enemies have fought against us.

Better than the entire world is our Hindustan, We are its nightingales, and it is our garden.”

Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

Once again, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to everyone on this sacred occasion of Independence Day. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

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